5496 Cadmoselite, Sphalerite, Clausthalite, Ust’ Uyok deposit, Tuva Republic, Russia July 19, 2024 Steve Europe Russia Type Locality Type Locality. Grains of black cadmoselite with orange-brown sphalerite, and silvery metallic clausthalite? Width of view 6mm. Stack of 36 images. Ex Excalibur Minerals. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Argyll and Bute Scotland United Kingdom 3804 Barite, Quartz, Sphalerite, Pyrite, Middleshop Mine, Strontian, Argyllshire, Scotland October 3, 2019
North and Central Americas Tennessee United States ncat VHD15, Sphalerite, Fluorite, Elmwood, Tennessee, USA November 17, 2019
Australasia Australia South Australia 0302 Barite, Calcite, Sphalerite, EZ Mine, Puttapa, South Australia September 19, 2019