7322 JL3215 Aurichalcite, Witherite, Anglezarke Mines, Anglezarke, Chorley, Lancashire, England, UK September 3, 2024 Steve England Lancashire Type Locality United Kingdom Type Locality for witherite. Pale blue balls of aurichalcite on colourless witherite. Acquired by Joan Lamond from Harry Critchley in 1998. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia Queensland 4362 JL3630 Aurichalcite, Rosasite, Quartz, Muldiva near Chillagoe, Queensland June 27, 2021
United Kingdom Wales ncat JP2132 Aurichalcite, Llangynog Mine, Llangynog, Powys, Wales, UK October 8, 2019
England United Kingdom 2872 Aurichalcite, Wetgrove Mine, Wensleydale, Yorkshire, England October 3, 2019
Mexico North and Central Americas 0547 Aurichalcite, Hemimorphite, Rosasite, Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico September 20, 2019