5088 Sainfeldite, Guérinite, Phaunouxite, Picropharmacolite, Rauenthalite, Haidingerite, Wilhelm Mine (Grube Wilhelm), Nentershausen, Hersfeld-Rotenburg, Kassel Region, Hesse, Germany

  1. Guérinite as pearly platy crystals (with purple sainfeldite), photo width 6mm, stack of 45.
  2. Pink picropharmacolite photo width 6mm, stack of 24.
  3. White rauenthalite on pink picropharmacolite with purple sainfeldite photo width 6mm, stack of 35.
  4. Phaunouxite photo: rauenthalite (white prismatic), phaunouxite (colourless spray at bottom of photo), picropharmacolite (pink puffballs), haidingerite (prismatic colourless right hand side of photo), sainfeldite (purple).

Click on the images below for a higher resolution version.

Below: 1. Guérinite, Sainfeldite.

Below: 2. Picropharmacolite.

Below: 3. Rauenthalite, Picropharmacolite, Sainfeldite.

Below: 4. Phaunouxite, Rauenthalite, Picropharmacolite, Haidingerite, Sainfeldite.