- Guérinite as pearly platy crystals (with purple sainfeldite), photo width 6mm, stack of 45.
- Pink picropharmacolite photo width 6mm, stack of 24.
- White rauenthalite on pink picropharmacolite with purple sainfeldite photo width 6mm, stack of 35.
- Phaunouxite photo: rauenthalite (white prismatic), phaunouxite (colourless spray at bottom of photo), picropharmacolite (pink puffballs), haidingerite (prismatic colourless right hand side of photo), sainfeldite (purple).
Click on the images below for a higher resolution version.
Below: 1. Guérinite, Sainfeldite.

Below: 2. Picropharmacolite.

Below: 3. Rauenthalite, Picropharmacolite, Sainfeldite.

Below: 4. Phaunouxite, Rauenthalite, Picropharmacolite, Haidingerite, Sainfeldite.