5162 JL0236 Gold, Kaolinite, Messenger’s Patch gold area, Wadgingarra Goldfield, Yalgoo Shire, Western Australia September 16, 2024 Steve Australasia Australia Western Australia Tiny gold crystals on/in grey kaolinite. Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Ex Museum Victoria. Width of view 3mm. Stack of 25 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia Western Australia 7429 JL0007 Gold, Kanowna Goldfield, Kalgoorlie-Boulder Shire, Western Australia January 3, 2021
Australasia Australia South Australia ncat JP3620 Gold, Dome Rock Copper Mine, Boolcoomatta Reserve (Boolcoomata Station; Boolcoomatta), Olary Province, South Australia September 23, 2019