ncat SE Calcite, Red Cloud copper mine, Gallinas Mountains, Red Cloud District, Lincoln County, New Mexico, USA January 19, 2025 Steve New Mexico North and Central Americas United States Colourless calcite crystals with a rounded habit in a matrix with fluorite, mottramite, and other things. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version. Stacked from 40 images. Method=B (R=8,S=3)
Australasia Australia Tasmania 2212 Calcite, Bridgewater Quarry, Bridgewater, Tasmania September 22, 2019
England Somerset United Kingdom 1342 Goethite, Calcite, Quartz, Dulcote Quarry, Wells, Mendip Hills, Somerset, England September 22, 2019
Australasia Australia South Australia ncat OW303 Malachite, Calcite, Dolomite, Quartz, Mutooroo Copper Mine, Mutooroo Homestead, Mingary, Olary Province, South Australia November 12, 2022
Canada North and Central Americas ncat MAR01 M826 Brewsterite-Sr, Calcite, Yellow Lake, Olalla, Osoyoos Mining Division, British Columbia, Canada September 3, 2024