1334 Pyromorphite, Plumbogummite, Quartz, Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck, Allerdale, Cumbria, England, UK January 21, 2025 Steve Cumbria England United Kingdom Sharp steeply terminated green crystals of pyromorphite, some partly coated with plumbogummite, on quartz crystals. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 115 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version. Stacked from 115 images. Method=B (R=8,S=3)
Australasia Australia New South Wales 10058 Quartz, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales October 18, 2019
Michigan North and Central Americas United States ncat JP748, Epidote, Quartz, Laurium Mine, Keewenaw Peninsula, Michigan, USA September 23, 2019