ncat RD Diopside, Fluorapatite, Nepheline, Ilmenite, Magnetite, Leucite, Sanidine, Biotite, Clinopyroxene, Cosgrove quarry, Cosgrove, City of Greater Shepparton, Victoria

(Photo) Leucite as grey-white material in groundmass (“leucitite”). Elsewhere on specimen: Green prismatic diopside. Brown-black prismatic clinopyroxene. Nepheline as hexagonal prisms. Nepheline with hollow cores have been altered to analcime. Colourless needles of fluorapatite. Grey ilmenite as flat crystals. Magnetite as tetrahedrons. Colourless tiny tabular sanidine crystals. Brown pseudohexagonal biotite. Ex Margaret Brown. Ex Gerry Morvell. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 85 images.

Stacked from 85 images. Method=B (R=8,S=3)