5729 Hoganite, Cerussite, Malachite, Broken Hill, New South Wales
Sharp blue-green micro crystals of hoganite on cerussite and malachite. Colour is more green than shown in the photos. Width of view 3.5mm. Exact source of specimen is not known. The original occurrence was only...
5722 Ruby Corundum, Mount Brady, Ambalindum Station, Harts Range, Northern Territory
Single red crystal (17mm longest direction) with very minor matrix. Fluoresces bright red (right hand image).
5719 Goethite replacing Pyrite, Stellerite, Calcite, Lake Cooper quarry, Corop, Campaspe Shire, Victoria
Interpenetrant slightly rounded pyrite cubes, some with truncated corners, altering to brown goethite with prismatic colourless striated prismatic stellerite crystals and minor white calcite crystals. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 50 images.
0248 Pyromorphite, Block 14 Open Cut, South Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales
Green prismatic crystals. Width of specimen 11mm.
ncat JP3161 Anatase, Carapooee, Northern Grampians Shire, Victoria
A large number of mostly bluish anatase crystals from an alluvial deposit. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 75 images.
5718 Goethite replacing Pyrite, North Moonlight Mine, Berringa, Golden Plains Shire, Victoria
A single cube of pyrite altering to goethite in a sandstone matrix. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 100 images.
2142 Antimony, Inglewood, Loddon Shire, Victoria
Tin white antimony on matrix. Specimen width 25mm.
5717 Sampleite, Lake Boga granite quarry, Lake Boga, Swan Hill Rural City, Victoria
Intense blue thin bladed crystals, including one that has a distinct bend. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 100 images. Ex Margaret Brown Collection.
ncat WD102 Phillipsite, Calcite, Sunbury, Victoria
An unusual specimen. I am unaware of other zeolite specimens from Sunbury, although the basalt quarries do produce calcite and aragonite. This specimen also has what looks like calcite-coated prismatic augite crystals, unlike any other...
0436 Smithsonite, Coronadite, Kintore Open Cut, South Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales
One of my favourite Broken Hill smithsonite specimens. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 100 images.
0589 Datolite, Chlorite, Colebrook Hill, Rosebery, Tasmania
Chlorite “worms” included in colourless datolite crystals. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 120 images.
4589 Silver, Waihi, North Island, New Zealand
A very fine and rare group of native silver crystals from Waihi, an area known for its gold. It measures 20mm across.
3875 Sampleite, Lake Boga, Victoria
Unusually narrow-bladed sampleite crystals. Width of view 1.75mm. Stack of 45 images.
30110 Pyromorphite, Cerussite, Calcite, Avondale Mine, Mount Lyndhurst station, North Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Green hexagonal prisms of pyromorphite with off-white cerussite (orange fluorescence) and white calcite (white fluorescence). Specimen measures 60x50x32mm.
20068 Azurite, Boomerang Mine (Matlock Mine; Mount Maggie Mine), Gunpowder District, City of Mount Isa, Queensland
Group of stacked azurite crystals. Ex George Reimherr Collection. 21mm wide.
ncat MB Axinite-(Fe), Actinolite, Andradite, Tremolite, Dookie Mineralogical Reserve quarry, Dookie, City of Greater Shepparton, Victoria
Lilac group of axinite crystals with green actinolite, orange andradite and white fibrous tremolite. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 180 images. Ex Margaret Brown Collection. Ex Gerry Morvell. Click on the image below for...
0174 Boulangerite, Rhodochrosite, Quartz, Chlorite, Rosebery Mine, Tasmania
Rings and curved crystals of boulangerite on pink rhodochrosite. Header image width of view is 5mm. Stack of 110 images. Second image is an old one, width of view 2.5mm and stack of 12.
30108 Topaz, Bischoff Extended (West Bischoff; Wheal Bischoff), Waratah, Waratah-Wynyard Municipality, Tasmania
Slightly iron-stained topaz crystals in vugh in a vein. Width 50mm. Closeup photo width of view 5mm. Stack of 60 images.
3966 Quartz, Hematite, Iron Blow, Gormanston, Tasmania
Collected… Also ended up having minor surgery after this collecting trip. A piece of chisel ended up embedded in my wrist!
ncat M3018 Saléeite, Lake Boga, Victoria
Thin elongated saléeite crystals, extremely responsive to ultraviolet. Ex Bernie Day collection. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 70 images (white light) and 14 images (UV image).
5713 Mcguinnessite, Copper, Dolomite, DeGrussa Copper Mine (DeGrussa Gold-Copper Mine; DeGrussa Mine), Doolgunna Station, Peak Hill Goldfield, Meekatharra Shire, Western Australia
Genie of the lamp. Colourless bladed dolomite crystals over pale blue mcguinnessite on native copper. Height of view 11mm. Stack of 160 images.
0596 Zircon, Ridge Road quarry, Daylesford, Hepburn Shire, Victoria
Single zircon crystal occurs as a xenolith in basalt. Width of view 11mm. Stack of 150 images.
30106 Quartz, Meredith, Golden Plains Shire, Victoria
Colourless crystal, main one being 35mm long.
5712 Atacamite, Gypsum, Volborthite, Sweet Nell (Ironstone Lagoon), Ironstone Lagoon, Stuart Shelf, South Australia
Colourless gypsum over dark green to almost black atacamite. Yellowish green volborthite on specimen but not in photos. Ex John and Betty Weir.
20065 Ferrierite-Mg, Burra Burra Copper Mine (Burra Mine; Monster Mine), Burra, North Mt Lofty Ranges, Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia
White sprays on quartz matrix. Width of view 11mm. Stack of 220 images. Ex Vince Peisley.
4910 Torbernite, Pseudomalachite, Mottramite, Libethenite, Monakoff Mine, Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland
Green platy torbernite, bluish green hemispheres of pseudomalachite, tiny green crystals of libethenite and tiny yellow-green crystals of mottramite. Width of view 7.5mm. Stack of 120 images. Ex Barry Schubert Collection.
1277 Barite, Chabazite-Na (Herschelite), Apatite, Siderite, Bickers Quarry (Simpkins Quarry), Tokatoka, Kaipara District, Northland Region, New Zealand
Small cavities containing white bladed barite, colourless pseudo-hexagonal chabazite, colourless prismatic apatite and brown siderite. Width of view 3.75mm. Stack of 80 images.
ncat JL376 Linarite, Cerussite, Broken Hill, New South Wales
Featured on the cover of the Australian Journal of Mineralogy Volume 21 Number 1, 2020. If you were to ask my granddaughter Gracie what my favourite colour is, she would tell you blue! And what...
0298 Ulrichite, Turquoise, Lake Boga granite quarry, Lake Boga, Swan Hill Rural City, Victoria
Green transparent sprays of ulrichite with a couple of turquoise balls. Height 7.5mm. Stack of 200 images. Type Locality.
20063 M446 Marshite, Cuprite, Dolomite, Mutooroo Mine, Pine Creek – Mutooroo area, Mingary, Olary Province, South Australia
Pale greenish marshite(!) crystal with dark cuprite crystals and white dolomite. The marshite fluoresces strongly red with Convoy UV torch. There are three other areas of the specimen that also fluoresce bright red, but individual...
0639 Gonnardite, Boral Bluestone quarry (Dunnstown quarry), Dunnstown, Moorabool Shire, Victoria
Small vugh full of silky white crystal sprays. Width 18.5mm. Stack of 200 images.
5703 Pyrite, Goethite, New Australasian Mine, Creswick, Hepburn Shire, Victoria
Pyrite cube partially altered to goethite. Collected on the dumps 31 July 2020. Crystal width 4mm. Stack of 80 images. Scene of Australia’s worst mining disaster in 1882 when 26 men perished. Water from the...
4547 Saleeite, Lake Boga granite quarry, Lake Boga, Swan Hill Rural City, Victoria
Greenish yellow platy crystals that react strongly to Convoy longwave ultraviolet light. Width 9.25mm. Stack of 120 images (white light). Stack of 15 images (UV). Ex Margaret Brown Collection.
5694 Bastnäsite-(Ce), Coronadite, Mimetite, Kintore opencut, Broken Hill South Mine, Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales
Tiny triangular orange bastnäsite-(Ce) crystals on black coronadite. There are three vughs with at least a dozen bastnäsite-(Ce) crystals in each. Mimetite is mostly yellow prismatic crystals with one grey crystal. Width 3mm. Stack of...
5693 Beudantite Group, Gold Mine, Central Goldfields, Victoria
Glassy brown bipyramidal crystals of a probable beudantite group mineral, with nearby yellowish-green material probably also the same species. Width 2.25mm. Collected underground. Stack of 90 images.
5692 Fluellite, Wavellite, Fairview Quarry, Robertstown, North Mt Lofty Ranges, Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia
Grey blocky fluellite crystals with tiny white wavellite crystals. Fluoresces under longwave UV. Width 18.5mm (except for cropped UV image). White light: stack of 130 images. UV: stack of 18 images. Ex John Weir. The...
5691 Calcite, Mount Franklin, Hepburn Shire, Victoria
White agate-patterned calcite filling small vesicles in basalt. Width 5.5mm. Stack of 50 images. Collected 16/7/2020.
5690 Zircon, Biotite, Taratimi Bay (Crater Bay), Mayor Island (Tuhua), Bay of Plenty Region, North Island, New Zealand
Sharp and very thin crystals of biotite with white concertina zircon crystal (indicated by red arrow). Width 5.5mm. Stack of 100 images.
5689 Calcite, Chabazite, Mn Oxide, Aranga Quarry (Stone’s Quarry; Hood Road Quarry), Aranga, Kaipara District, Northland Region, North Island, New Zealand
Black manganese oxides on curved white calcite crystals and colourless pseudocubic chabazite crystals. Width 11mm. Stack of 100 images.
8203 M3807 Hydromagnesite, Lee Valley Quarry, Brightwater, Tasman Region, South Island, New Zealand
Colourless to white bladed crystals of hydromagnesite. There is also an unknown green tabular crystal towards the top left of the specimen, maybe apophyllite (see closeup). Width 18mm. Stack of 180 images. Ex Bernie and...
5687 Cavansite, Waipouaite, Okenite, Chabazite-Ca, Aranga Quarry, Aranga, Kaipara District, Northland Region, North Island, New Zealand
Pale blue tufts of cavansite with green crystal of waipouaite(?) on chabazite pseudocubes. Aranga is the Type Locality for waipouaite. Width 5.5mm. Stack of 110 images. Most crystals of waipouaite are almost black, but many...
30104 Cerussite, Galena, Pyrite, Sphalerite, Siderite, Central Goldfields, Victoria
Brown-tinged cerussite crystals in argentiferous galena with pyrite and minor sphalerite and siderite. Width 11mm. Stack of 100 images.
30103 Murchison meteorite, Murchison, City of Greater Shepparton, Victoria
0.2g of the Murchison meteorite (9 fragments). This meteorite which fell in 1969 is classed as a CM2 Carbonaceous Chondrite. 38 mineral species have been identified including 3 Type Locality minerals. Largest piece in photo...
5686 Mimetite, Goethite, Cerussite, Kintore opencut, Broken Hill South Mine, Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales
Yellow butterfly of mimetite with goethite casts after cerussite. Width 5.5mm. Stack of 70 images.
5682 Linarite, Block 14 opencut, Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales
Intense blue linarite crystals. Width 8mm. Stack of 51 images.
5678 Crocoite, Pyromorphite, Platt Prospect, Dundas mineral field, Zeehan District, West Coast municipality, Tasmania
Collected underground in 2004. Specimen width 11mm. Stack of 98 images (Helicon Focus).
5179 JL0136 Copper, Tennant Creek, Barkly Region, Northern Territory
Sharp native copper crystals. Specimen height 7mm. Stack of 100 images. Ex Joan Lamond Collection.
5169 JL1507 Chabazite, Phillipsite, Calcite, Old Melbourne Quarries, Victoria
Phacolite habit of chabazite. Brown ferroan calcite is fluorescent and phosphorescent. Width 11mm. Stack of 110 images. Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Ex Museum Victoria.
5174 JL0004 Gold, Moliagul, Victoria
Cluster of tiny gold crystals. Width 5.5mm. Stack of 80 images. Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Obtained from Gordon Dicker in 1973.
5192 JL1451 Newberyite, Skipton Caves, Mt. Widderin (Anderson’s Hill), Skipton, Corangamite Shire, Victoria
Ex Museum of Victoria. Width 11mm. Stack of 70 images. Some of the smaller crystals are transparent.
5677 Gold, Sebastopol, City of Ballarat, Victoria
Small amount of gold in quartz. Width 11mm. Stack of 70 images.
8201 M3884 Cuprite, Tennant Creek, Barkly Region, Northern Territory
Deep red octahedral crystals when strongly lit. Width 11mm. Stack of 116 images. Ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection.
5675 Cowlesite, Basalt quarry, Jindivick, Baw Baw Shire, Victoria
One of the rarer zeolites. Silky white sprays. Width 11mm. Stack of 140 images.
9045 JP2202 Lavendulan, Alice Mary Mine, Kundip, Ravensthorpe Shire, Western Australia
Light blue crust on matrix. Width 11mm. Stack of 40 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9043 JP2247 Rutile, Dravite, Wolfram Mine, Pittong, Golden Plains Shire, Victoria
Blocky brown rutile crystals with green-brown prismatic dravite. Height 5.5mm. Stack of 60 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9120 JP2802 Gold, Bendigo, City of Greater Bendigo, Victoria
Gold (trying very hard to be an octahedral crystal) in quartz. Width 11mm. Stack of 58 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9060 JP2643 Chalcocite, Telfer Mine, Rudall River District, East Pilbara Shire, Western Australia
Sharp platy crystals. Width 7mm, stack of 60 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9037 JP2292 Gold, Wolfram Mine, Pittong, Golden Plains Shire, Victoria
Very small patches of hackly gold embedded in quartz. Width 4.5mm. Stack of 40 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9036 JP2344 Bismuth, Wolfram Mine, Pittong, Golden Plains Shire, Victoria
Silvery-white crystalline native bismuth. Width 9mm. Stack of 62 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9039 JP2278 Pyromorphite, Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales
Collected on the Pinnacles Dumps. Width 4.5mm. Stack of 54 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9026 JP2279 Libethenite, Plimerite, Broken Hill South Mine (BHS Mine; South Mine), Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales
Lighter green libethenite with almost black bladed plimerite. Natrodufrenite listed on label but I am not able to pick it. There are also other minerals, including possible calcian pyromorphite as white prismatic crystals, hoppered green...
5672 Gold, Goethite, New Penrose Mine, Berringa, Golden Plains Shire, Victoria
Small amount of gold with iridescent goethite in white quartz.
5671 Gold, Goethite, New Penrose Mine, Berringa, Golden Plains Shire, Victoria
Bright gold patches with iridescent goethite in white quartz. Width 9mm. Stack of 50 images.
9024 JP2257 Heulandite, Whitianga Road cutting, Whitianga, Coromandel peninsula, Thames-Coromandel District, Waikato Region, North Island, New Zealand
Typical coffin-shaped crystals. Width 9mm. Stack of 70 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
28002 VH34 Fluorite, Calcite, North Mine (North Broken Hill Mine; NBH Mine), Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales
Group of deep purple fluorite cubes with octahedral faces, with white calcite that fluoresces red. Width 9mm. Stack of 60 images. Ex Val Hannah Collection.
28001 VH230 Stolzite, Pyromorphite, Sphalerite, Anglesite, Kintore opencut, Broken Hill South Mine, Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales
Greenish-brown short to long prismatic stolzite crystals with brown pyromorphite. Width 9mm. Stack of 100 images. Ex Val Hannah Collection. Pyromorphite is fluorescent pale orange, but also fluorescing are patches of sphalerite in the matrix...
9021 JP2347 Coronadite, Pyromorphite, Kaolinite?, Kintore opencut, Broken Hill South Mine (BHS Mine; South Mine), Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales
Acicular needles of coronadite with a few hexagonal green pyromorphite crystals and white fibrous kaolinite(?). Width 9mm. Stack of 30, 42 and 62 photos. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9020 JP2381 Arsenopyrite, Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite, Colebrook Hill, Rosebery district, West Coast municipality, Tasmania
Sharp crystals of pale brass arsenopyrite and black sphalerite, and a tiny bit of chalcopyrite. Photo width 9mm. Stack of 50 images (arsenopyrite), and 60 images (sphalerite). Ex Jo Price specimen.
9089 JP2810 Fluorite, Goethite, Quartz, Blue Hills, Agate Creek, Etheridge Shire, Queensland
A single purple octahedral crystal of fluorite (fluorescent) with golden sprays of goethite on quartz. Width 9mm. Stack of 110 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9017 JP2203 Jarosite, Goethite, Wiperaminga Hill West Quarry (Wipperaminga Hill), Boolcoomatta Reserve (Boolcoomata Station; Boolcoomatta), Olary Province, South Australia
Sharp brown jarosite crystals with rainbow goethite. Width 9mm. Stack of 34 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9012 JP2963 Zircon, Middle Hill, Mount Anakie, Anakie, City of Greater Geelong, Victoria
Although not that uncommon, zircon xenocrysts that have come up as part of the molten material are usually hard to spot. This zircon has only been affected a little. It also exhibits a nice rainbow...
9011 JP2991 Powellite, Dundee, Gough Co., New South Wales
Powellite is uncommon in Australia, particular as distinct crystals. Mindat has only one photo, a powellite with ulrichite and fluorapatite from Lake Boga. This specimen has excellent crystals. Width 6.5mm. Stack of 180 images. Ex...
20055 Tridymite, Spring Hill, Macedon Ranges, Victoria
Pale greenish rounded pseudohexagonal twins of tridymite with goethite(?). Oxidation due to the breakdown of either ilmenite or magnetite. You can see the hexagonal outline of the tridymite here and there.
7231 JL1610 Chrysocolla, Gypsum, Trafalgar Mine (Mount Oscar Mine), Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland
Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Colourless gypsum crystals on green chrysocolla (labelled as pseudomalachite). Acquired by Joan in 1995 from John Toma while on a field trip to Lake Boga. Width 9mm. Stack of 30 images.
9135 JP2645 Molybdofornacite, Wulfenite, Pyromorphite, Whim Creek Copper Mine (Whim Creek Copper prospect; Whim Well Mine), Whim Creek, Roebourne Shire, Western Australia
Sharp green crystals of molybdofornacite on tabular yellow wulfenite with cream zoned hexagonal pyromorphite. Width 6.5mm. Stack of 37 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9132 JP2682 Crocoite, Magnet Mine, Magnet, Waratah district, Waratah-Wynyard municipality, Tasmania
Stubby orange crystals with unknown powdery yellow material. Width 6.5mm. Stack of 71 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9122 JP2754 Plumbogummite, Goethite, Wolfram Mine, Pittong, Golden Plains Shire, Victoria
Black spheres of goethite on blue plumbogummite. Width 6.5mm. Stack of 52 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9114 JP2734 Phillipsite-Na, Siderite, Pioneer quarry, Narre Warren North, City of Casey, Victoria
Basketweave siderite with colourless drillbit twin phillipsite-Na crystals. Width 6.5mm. Stack of 38 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9107 JP2756 Kidwellite, Strengite, Iron Monarch open cut, Iron Knob, Middleback Range, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
Pale creamy greenish-yellow tufts of kidwellite with glassy lilac strengite crystals. Width 3.25mm. Stack of 40 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9009 JP2205 Natrolite, Chabazite-Na, Ardglen Quarry (State Rail Quarry), Ardglen, Buckland Co., New South Wales
Colourless natrolite needles with a pink base, possibly caused by hematite, on phacolitic chabazite crystals (probably chabazite-Na). Width 9mm. Stack of 110 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9097 JP2308 Laumontite, Pyrite, Stellerite, Graham Quarry, Ascot Hills, Dookie, City of Greater Shepparton, Victoria
Small pyrite cubes with minor octahedral corners, colourless to orange stellerite crystals and white laumontite. Height 4.5mm. Stack of 30 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9008 JP2389 Gold, Galena, Wirrealpa Mine (Flinders Range Silver Lead NL; Donkey Bore Prospect), Wirrealpa homestead area, North Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Small flakes of gold on vein quartz and on galena. Also present in one cavity – malachite and cerussite. Possible acanthite on silver in another. Width 9mm. Stack of 40 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9088 JP2652 Aurichalcite, Hydrozincite, Calcite, Narlarla Mine (Barker Gorge), Napier Downs Station, Derby-West Kimberley Shire, Western Australia
Pale blue aurichalcite with white hydrozincite and pink calcite. Width 6.5mm. Stack of 162 images. Ex Jo Price Collection. Below: Nodular white hydrozincite with blue aurichalcite and pale pink calcite. Width of view 6mm. Stack...
9076 JP2761 Gold, Wolfram Mine, Pittong, Golden Plains Shire, Victoria
Many flakes of gold on matrix. Width 6.5mm. Stack of 44 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9072 JP2642 Crocoite, Pyromorphite, Platt Prospect, Dundas mineral field, Zeehan District, West Coast municipality, Tasmania
Green pyromorphite crystals with sharp orange-red crocoite crystals. Width 3.25mm, stack of 102 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
9007 JP2350 Aragonite, Calcite, Phillipsite-K, Chabazite-Ca, Trentham Falls, Trentham, Hepburn Shire, Victoria
Tiny crystals of calcite, phillipsite and chabazite on the sides of aragonite needles. Aragonite fluoresces white with a fading greenish afterglow. Photo width 9mm. Stack of 50 images. Ex Jo Price Collection.
30101 Calcite, Kitty Miller Bay, Phillip Island, Bass Coast Shire, Victoria
Agate-patterned calcite, commonly called eye agates, are generally found loose on the eastern side of the bay. Video best viewed full screen.
9001 JP2561 Duftite, Cornwallite, Mt Bonnie Mine, Grove Hill, Victoria-Daly Region, Northern Territory
Labelled pseudomalachite and does look like it. But more likely cornwallite(?) given the occurrence of many arsenate minerals at Mt Bonnie. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width 9mm, stack of 70 images.
30100 Smoky Quartz, Silent Grove, Clive Co., New South Wales
Single crystal with neat phantoms. Video best viewed full screen.
2191 Beryl, Sellaite, Quartz, Fluorite, Mt Bischoff, Waratah, Tasmania
Terminated crystals of blue beryl with colourless crystals of sellaite and quartz. Fluorite was picked up by fluorescence under longwave ultraviolet. A yellow-orange fluorescence may be non-crystalline sellaite. In the fluorescent photos, there are also...
30099 Natrolite, Gmelinite, Cairns Bay, Flinders, Victoria
White natrolite and red (hematite-stained) gmelinite in a vugh in basalt. Video best viewed full screen.
30094 Crocoite, Gibbsite, 2010 Pocket, Adelaide Mine, Dundas, West Coast municipality, Tasmania
Many crystals not terminated. The largest terminated crystal has smaller parallel growth crystals. Video best viewed full screen.
30093 Pyromorphite, Malachite, Emerald Pocket, Brown’s Prospect, Rum Jungle, Batchelor, Coomalie Shire, Northern Territory
Collected August 2010 by Dave Rosewall and Paul Melville. Video best viewed full screen.
5666 Opal, Lightning Ridge, Finch Co., New South Wales
Predominantly blue and green thin opal seams.
30086 Azurite, Burra Mine, Burra, Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia
Ex Ron Galbraith Collection, Northern Districts. Video best viewed full screen.
2639 Ulrichite, Lake Boga, Victoria
Feathery apple-green sprays of the rare copper uranium phosphate, ulrichite. 5mm across.
30079 Gmelinite, Calcite, Analcime, Hematite, Little Plains Quarry (Fieldwicks Quarry), Blue Tier district, Break O’Day municipality, Tasmania
A tiny calcite crystal is perched on hematite-coated gmelinite in a vugh of analcime. Collected when it was called Fieldwicks Quarry. Video best viewed full screen.
4375 Prehnite, Gunnedah, New South Wales
K & M Brown Collection Video best viewed full screen.
30074 Stichtite, Chromite, Stichtite Hill, Dundas, Tasmania
Blebs of purple stichtite enclosing relict chromite in serpentine. One face polished. Type Locality. Video best viewed full screen.
Deaccessioned 30071 Copper, Ankerite, Cloncurry District, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland, Australia
Mass of arborescent copper. Video best viewed full screen.
30062 Rhodochrosite, Quartz, Kutnohorite, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales
Pink rhodochrosite with small white crystals (kutnohorite?). These white crystals are also included in the quartz. Ex Barry Johnson Collection. Video best viewed full screen.
30059 Libethenite, Burra Mine, Burra, North Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia, Australia
Ex Barry Johnson Collection. Video best viewed full screen.
30055 Scheelite, Wolfram Camp, Dimbulah, Queensland, Australia
Yellow fluorescence under longwave (indicating the presence of molybdenum). Bluish-white under shortwave. Video best viewed full screen.
30052 Pyromorphite, Limestone Creek, Benambra, Victoria, Australia
Ex Neil Kinnane Collection. Video best viewed full screen.
30051 Aragonite, Penrice marble quarry, Angaston, Barossa Valley, North Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia, Australia
Cave-formation white aragonite. Bright white fluorescence with pale blue crystal tips under longwave, pale pink under shortwave.
30050 Ulrichite, Lake Boga granite quarry, Lake Boga, Swan Hill Rural City, Victoria, Australia
A rich specimen of apple-green micro crystals of ulrichite.
0506 Malachite, Cuprite, Quartz, Great Australia Mine, Cloncurry, Queensland
Blocky malachite crystals on cuprite and quartz.
0503 Dolomite, Cerussite, Unknown White, Kintore Open Cut, South Mine, Broken Hill, New South WalesÂ
Grey complex dolomite crystals with a single brownish cerussite crystal from the Kintore open cut, Broken Hill. In addition, there are tufts of an unknown white mineral. Candidates could be sepiolite (not recorded at Broken...
7406 JL0615 Gold, Ballarat, City of Ballarat, Victoria
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1990. Ex Museum Victoria.
ncat VHD15, Galena, Siderite, Adelaide Mine, Dundas, Tasmania
Ex Ambros Kissling Collection
ncat VHD15 Natrolite, Hydroxyapophyllite-(K), Ardglen, New South Wales
A single blocky hydroxyapophyllite-(K) crystal on a bed of prismatic colourless natrolite crystals. Width of view 10mm. Stack of 12 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
ncat VHD15, Molybdenite, Kitchener Mine, Almaden, Mareeba Shire, Queensland
Ex Mick Hately Collection. Ex Margaret Brown Collection.
ncat VHD10, Vivianite, Wannon Falls, Victoria
Ex Roger Colling Collection
ncat VHD10, Quartz, Wadnaminga, South Australia
Ex Roger Colling Collection
ncat VHD10, Copper, Wallaroo, South Australia
Ex Roger Colling Collection