5521 Kampfite, Esquire No. 1 claim, Rush Creek, Rush Creek deposit, Big Creek-Rush Creek District, Fresno Co., California, USA
Type Locality. Ex John Sobolewski. Doubtful identification., Matt Gibbs
Type Locality. Ex John Sobolewski. Doubtful identification., Matt Gibbs
Type Locality. Ex John Sobolewski, Matt Gibbs
Jacksonville is an old mining town now under the Don Pedro Reservoir. Ex Hatfield Goudey. Ex John Lewis Collection.,
Ex Hatfield Goudey. Ex John Lewis Collection.,
Type Locality. Ex John Sobolewski, Matt Gibbs
Type Locality. Ex John Sobolewski, Matt Gibbs
Type Locality. Ex John Sobolewski, Matt Gibbs
Type Locality for both species. Inyoite is clear, meyerhofferite is white. Ex John Sobolewski, Matt Gibbs
Other unidentified species present, Al Wilkins
Labelled as Golden Cross Claim, Mildren-Steppe Mine, Tucson Micromount Symposium
Adamite crystals, many having purple manganoan cores with colourless outer areas.
Comes from a single find made about 20 years ago (~1995). This is a lovely group of 5mm natrolite prisms perched on slender black aegirine crystals. Very aesthetic from any side, and an excellent example...
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Baveno Twins. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Pale pink striated crystals. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Pale pink and red crystals. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection. ex C. Peat 1997
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Margaret Day. It could be ancylite-(Ce) or calcioancylite-(Ce).
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Cynthia Peat
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Cynthia Peat
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Type Locality for Peatite and Ramikite. A number of sharp peatite-ramikite crystals are present on this specimen. The matrix id composed of some blocky pseudomorphs of calcite after ?, synchysite after rémondite along with lots...
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection. Collected early 1970s. ex C Peat 1995
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Unknown Pink. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Fluoresces green. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Cynthia Peat
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
A few white calcite crystals on drusy quartz.
7.7g piece of the Canyon Diablo meteorite collected from the north side of Meteor Crater, in 1928.
Morion Smoky Quartz pitch black from Dinkey Lakes pegmatites, Dinkey Creek, Fresno Co., California. Jet black, from the Fred DeVito collection, owned by Justin since 2004. A really outstanding crystal from a now closed location.
Spessartine Garnet included in Smoky Quartz from Searchlight Nevada. Quartz crystal with included red gem garnets. You can see about 4 garnets in here. The largest one fills up one subcrystal. Sharp and perfect, except...
Material containing variable amounts of the unnamed” copper-calcium-aluminium silicate sent to Mrs Judy Montoya
Multiple Japan-Law twins. Ex Marylin Dodge Collection. See http://www.irocks.com/minerals/specimen/3973
Corundum Var. Ruby with Mica Var. Fucshite from Cascade Canyon, San Antonio Canyon, San Gabriel Mts, San Bernardino Co., California. This location for red corundum crystals was to be closed off in 2016, illegal to...
A spherical cluster of multi-coloured (pink core, pale green outer with darker green tips) terminated elbaite crystals. Ex Carolyn Seitz collection. 30x30x25mm.
A few tiny wulfenite crystals amongst white bladed calcite crystals on blue hemimorphite. Won at the Tucson dinner silent auction, 2015.
Superb native copper in the shape of a sea dragon!
Cluster of doubly-terminated quartz crystals with unknown black minerals. Purchased at Keystone, priced at $12.
Lovely cluster of colourless quartz crystals. Previous label – Dave Bunk Minerals with a $40 price tag – 5/05 Costa Mesa. Purchased at Keystone, priced at $50.
Single greenish yellow crystal 12.5mm long on matrix. Ex University of Arizona Mineral Museum #19204. Donated by Helga K Herfirth (sp?), 25/1/2000, number 395.
Minute, pale green masses and aggregates of this rare, one-locality species very sparsely scattered on matrix. From the original find by Forrest Cureton. A label signed by Forrest included. The last of the stock! Locality...
Superb cluster of crystals on matrix. Ex Eugene Carmichael Collection (EWC 497), ex Lawrence Conklin (priced at US$900).
Translucent blue-green fluorite crystals on matrix. The fluorite crystals are cubic form with dodecahedral (110) edge faces that are opaque white.
Lustrous and transluscent green botryoidal prehnite with calcite crystals on back side. Ex A Schumacher, labelled as New Street Quarry, number 86. Ex J Obert (on Schumacher label). Ex Alfred Stevenson Collection, labelled as Prospect...
From a rare species collection. Two pieces
Single thick lustrous blue crystal on minor amount of matrix. This lot of azurites was collected from a water-course that intersected the orebody. Many great specimens were found andtaken to the US to sell. When...
A water-clear fishtail gypsum crystal, 100mm long.
Single crystal 42x25x15mm. Ex Carl R. Bently collection (#1069), ex Oren Root (1803-1885) collection (#1647).
Transparent tabular apophyllite with minor colourless stilbite and orange (stained or coated) acicular thaumasite on green prehnite. 60x60x18mm. Ex Eugene Carmichael Collection (563) – label also mentions New York State Museum. Ex Hugh Ford (two...
Drusy micro anglesite crystals on matrix. Ex US National Museum (Smithsonian) Collection, Department of Minerals, catalogue number 14121. Ex Hawes Collection acquired in 1884.
ex Hatfield Goudey Collection. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Museum Victoria
ex Joan Lamond Collection
Rhodochrosite inclusions in amethyst.
Old Foote specimen with Foote label on the back. Labelled as Sonoma Co.” but based on the crystal habit (divergent sprays of red crystals) and the matrix
Type Locality. Tiny yellow patches on matrix. Ex Wolfgang Henkel.
Sharp brown crystals. Strong fluorescence under SWUV. Ex A M Munger.
Single crystal, no matrix. Ex University of Arizona Mineral Museum. Donor Carl Richardson.
Single quite large apophyllite crystal with minor white laumontite and greenish pumpellyite.
Single crystal pseudomorph of goethite after pyrite.
A small pocket in matrix filled with golden Stewartite crystals and olive-green mitridatite. This specimen was part of a Micromount mineral collection purchased from the estate of Anne-Marie Scholz Deal of New Jersey and Pennsylvania....
Type Locality. Named for Robert (Bob) William Whitmore, a mineral collector and previous owner of the Palermo No.1 mine. This specimen was part of a Micromount mineral collection purchased from the estate of Anne-Marie Scholz...
Type Locality. Single blue cube, no matrix. Ex John Melhase (pre 1938), ex California Academy of Sciences, ex Steve Pullman.
ex John Muntyan – Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum :92C3
Dakota Matrix/ex Grenier Collection
Herkimer – Larry Rush 12/05
Herkimer – Larry Rush 12/05
Herkimer – Larry Rush 12/05
Dan Weinrich (ex Don Belcher coll’n)
Single terminated crystal, root-beer brown.
Jim Ferraiolo 6/2005
Jim Ferraiolo 6/2005
Jim Ferraiolo 6/2005
Jim Ferraiolo 6/2005
Robert Kurcbart 4/2005