4646 Langite, Frongoch Mine, Pontrhydygroes, Wales
Blocky crystals. Possible other species.
Blocky crystals. Possible other species.
Elongated crystals. Other species present.
Sky blue platey namuite with tiny bluish-green prismatic bechererite.
Blocky pale blue crystals.
Pale green creaseyite crystals.
Blue acicular caledonite crystals with pale yellow susannite.
Green and yellow/orange pyromorphite.
Yellow hexagonal crystals of susannite.
Pale blue crystals.
Type Locality. White acicular crystals of steverustite.
A small pocket in matrix filled with golden Stewartite crystals and olive-green mitridatite. This specimen was part of a Micromount mineral collection purchased from the estate of Anne-Marie Scholz Deal of New Jersey and Pennsylvania....
Type Locality. Named for Robert (Bob) William Whitmore, a mineral collector and previous owner of the Palermo No.1 mine. This specimen was part of a Micromount mineral collection purchased from the estate of Anne-Marie Scholz...
Collected by Pierre Joubert. Vredendal is pronounced with an F” sound.”
Collected by Pierre Joubert. Vredendal is pronounced with an F” sound.”
Clear quartz crystal with inclusions collected by Pierre Joubert on a friend’s farm near Ceres.
Cluster of emerald-green crystals
Type Locality. Tan crystals on matrix. Approved 2014.
Type Locality. A couple of tiny white crystals on matrix. Approved 2015.
Purple octahedral fluorite. Tan coloured pancaked” feldspar?”
Bright yellow crusts of sabugalite with pale-green tabular torbernite (or zeunerite?). Ex Sid Williams (Globo de Plomom). The sabugalite exhibits strong fluorescence under SWUV. Note: labelled as sabugalite, but not confirmed. Rick Turner: I have...
Single orange crystal, no matrix. Ex Dave Shannon.
Colourless/white micaceous crystals.
Tiny orange crystals embedded in matrix.
Type Locality. Single blue cube, no matrix. Ex John Melhase (pre 1938), ex California Academy of Sciences, ex Steve Pullman.
ex John Muntyan – Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum :92C3
Type Locality. Rich green uvarovite crystals to 1mm on every side.
Dakota Matrix/ex Grenier Collection
Excalibur Minerals
Jean-Vincent Coureau
Jean-Vincent Coureau
Richard Bell 2007
Danny Jones Firebird Minerals
Jim Daly 11/2007 (Roy I. Grim coll’n)
Jim Daly 11/2007 (Roy I. Grim coll’n)
K & M Brown Collection
K & M Brown Collection
K & M Brown Collection
K & M Brown Collection
K & M Brown Collection
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Colourless to green prismatic crystals all generally oriented in the one direction. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 25 images. Ex Joan Lamond Micro Collection. Acquired by Joan from Ted Madden. Click on the image...
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006