5664 Stistaite, Senarmontite, Ejei (Edzhei), Kuraminskie Mtn, Chatkal-Kuraminskii Range, Tashkent, Uzbekistan December 7, 2019 Steve Asia Uzbekistan Micro-nugget ~0.83×0.52×0.20 mm of pure, analyticaly confirmed by microprobe Stistaite from placer of Edzhei river. Dark in BSE phase on the SEM image (which is megascopically white) is thin film of Senarmontite, covering surface of the micronugget. SEM photo and analyses – Pavel Kartashov.
Cumbria England United Kingdom 8157 Senarmontite, Tourmaline, Wet Swine Gill, Coombe Height, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, England October 5, 2019
Cumbria England United Kingdom 4873 Senarmontite, Wet Swine Gill, Coombe Height, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, England, UK October 5, 2019
Europe Italy 9031 JP2362 Senarmontite, Sulphur(?), Tafone Mine, Manciano, Grosseto Province, Tuscany, Italy June 10, 2020
Australasia Australia Victoria ncat JP2461 Senarmontite, Coimadai Antimony Mine, Pyrites Creek (Coimadai Creek; Pyretes Creek; Pyrete Creek), Bacchus Marsh, Moorabool Shire, Victoria September 23, 2019