ncat VH108 Calcite Harbour Trust Quarry, Cape Grant, Portland, Victoria December 5, 2021 Steve Australasia Australia Victoria Colourless scalenohedral crystals, some with a white coating. Ex Val Hannah Collection. Width of view 25mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia South Australia ncat RW63 Calcite, Lyndhurst, South Australia November 29, 2021
Australasia Australia Victoria ncat JP536 Calcite, Jacksons Creek, Sunbury, City of Hume, Victoria September 23, 2019
North and Central Americas Ohio United States ncat Fluorite, Calcite, Marblehead Quarry, Marblehead, Ohio September 23, 2019
Co. Durham England United Kingdom 6085 Barite, Calcite, Fluorite, Dam Rigg Level, Northside Mines, Whaw, Arkengarthdale, North Pennines, North Yorkshire, England October 2, 2019