4526 Libethenite, Old Reliable Mine, Copper Creek, Bunker Hill District, Pinal County, Arizona, USA
Green acicular sprays of libethenite. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 120 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Green acicular sprays of libethenite. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 120 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Green pseudo-octahedral crystals on quartz. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 3mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Isolated green libethenite crystals. Width of view 3mm. Stack of 100 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Green inclusions of chlorite(?) in analcime. Ex Ann and Noel Kennon Collection. Ex Francoise Duranleau, Montreal, 09/06. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 50 photos. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Two small crystals without matrix. One a cube (2.5mm) and the other an octahedron (4.5mm). Ex Mark Hallam Collection.
A gold crystal that is almost a sphere. The flat crystal faces are pretty small. Ex Ray Hill. Width of view 3mm. Stack of 20 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution...
A single hexagonal molybdenite crystal on quartz. Specimen measures 42x22x15mm.
Greenish-yellow crystals showing some sceptre growth. Ex Mark Hallam Collection. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 55 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Lemony-green barrel-shaped crystals, some with paler green terminations. Ex Mark Ascher 9/2007. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
A small group of cerussite crystals, no matrix, showing some reticulation, and fluorescing light orange under longwave UV. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 3mm. Stack of 35 images. Click on the image below for...
Green hexagonal bastnäsite-(Ce) crystal in a cavity in fluorite. A pyrite crystal beginning to alter to goethite. White to pink acicular-looking barite. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 50 images (bastnäsite-(Ce))....
A specimen that shows some of the geological process. Brown brecciated rock fragments and a muscovite crystal (top left of photo) embedded in purple fluorite and white calcite(?). Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm....
Crude pyrite crystal (top of photo) with black mottramite. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 45 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
White massive material, kaolinite? Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Purple cubic fluorite embedded in chrysocolla. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 3mm. Stack of 30 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Tabular to blocky yellow to orange to brown wulfenite crystals with black mottramite. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 75 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Colourless calcite crystals with a rounded habit in a matrix with fluorite, mottramite, and other things. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a higher...
Bubbly hyalite opal with typical green fluorescence under shortwave UV due to uranyl ions. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 14 images (SWUV). Stack of 45 images (White Light). Click on the...
Interesting colours with pinkish fluorite edged by darker purple fluorite, and blue grading to nearly white chrysocolla. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 46 images. Click on the image below for a...
Small colourless quartz crystals on botryoidal zoned chrysocolla. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 46 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Colourless quartz crystals on green agardite on blue chrysocolla on massive fluorite with mottramite.. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 80 images. Type Locality for agardite-(La). Click on the photo below for...
Tiny purple cubic fluorite crystals on pale blue chrysocolla. Yellow is wulfenite. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 30 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Black mottramite giving the appearance of dendritic growth. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
A single zoned vanadinite on blocky orange wulfenite. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 80 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Purple cubic fluorite without matrix. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 25 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Colourless bladed hemimorphite crystals. Tiny areas to the right of the photo of typical green conichalcite. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the image below for a higher...
Pale blue chrysocolla pseudomorphing azurite. Also present, tiny hexagonal colourless plates of bastnäsite(?), and tiny acicular sprays of agardite-(La). Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the image below...
Zoned vanadinite on grey to black mottramite. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 90 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Yellow to orange prismatic mimetite crystals. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 80 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Yellow prismatic mimetite crystals. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the image for a higher resolution version.
Red vanadinite on black mottramite on one side. Orange wulfenite and yellow mimetite on the other. Greenish-striped crystals of adamite? Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 90 images (wulfenite), 64 images (vanadinite)...
Red vanadinite crystals grading to yellow, on black mottramite. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 65 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Orange and yellow wulfenite crystals with red vanadinite, deep brown to black mottramite, pale yellow mimetite, and tiny purple fluorites. The larger wulfenite crystals are orange, and there is some zoning evident. Ex Scott Braley....
Colourless/white rhombohedral calcite crystals with club-shaped yellow mimetite. Ex Scott Braley. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 120 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
White/colourless twinned zoned gmelinite on a bed of phillipsite. White flowery tacharanite bottom right. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Sharp hexagonal gmelinite with minor pyrite. Ex Jim Daly. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 30 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Dark grey hexagonal gmelinite crystal with pyrite inclusions, pale tan siderite, red fluorescing calcite, and pyrite. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 55 images. Click on the image below for a...
Pink-orange gmelinite after chabazite, with tiny white stilbite clusters. There are hollows on the back from where an unknown mineral had been. Specimen measures 25x25x15mm.
Pale yellowish thin tabular pseudo-hexagonal crystals. Ex Ann and Noel Kennon Collection. Ex Jean P Beckerich. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Brown platy/scaly crystals of nontronite in vughs lined with green celadonite. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 80 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Fine hair-like millerite with a chalcopyrite crystal. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 150 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Red realgar with orange orpiment, silver stibnite, pale yellow sulphur, tiny colourless quartz crystals, and some unknowns. Ex Charles Willett Collection. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 100 images. Click on the image below for...
Colourless-white radiating sprays of wavellite (or fluorwavellite) with pale pink (ferrian) variscite crystals. The paper describing fluorwavellite states that all specimens analysed were fluorwavellite, but that does not guarantee that wavellite doesn’t occur. Without analysis,...
Dark blue vivianite crystals in cavities in a nodule, with the matrix showing cracks due to dehydration. Ex Charles Willett Collection. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 75 images. Click on the image below for...
Well-formed orange crystals on colourless quartz crystals. The matrix fluoresces pink under shortwave ultraviolet light. Ex Charles Willett Collection. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 95 images. Click on the image below for a higher...
A single dark red spessartine. Ex Mark Hallam Collection. Probably collected by Ted Johnson. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 65 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Greyish-green prismatic spray of crystals of elpidite (green fluorescence), pale yellow tabular thomasclarkite, silver hexagonal molybdenite, tiny brown siderite, green prismatic aegirine, and sodalite (orange fluorescence), in white albite (pink fluorescence). A yellow arrow points...
Red hexagonal prisms of vanadinite. One crystal shows two interesting features. One is that it is partly hollow. The other is that only three adjacent sides of the hexagon have prism faces. The other three...
Dark brown descloizite on a bed of orange vanadinite. Lustrous yellow hexagonal vanadinite (or possibly mimetite?) in a small vugh on the side. Ex Jo Price Collection. Descloizite photo: Width of view 6mm. Stack of...
Orange colour-zoned hexagonal vanadinite with brown to greenish-black descloizite, and tiny white needles of mimetite. The vanadinite is interesting, with some hollow crystals, and others that look like they have been etched away or resorbed....
Colourless calcite crystals that fluoresce pale pink under shortwave UV, with dark brown descloizite crystals. An interesting specimen. There appears to be multiple generations of calcite. The “Mercedes” faces are obviously a later addition, and...
Ex Bernie Day Collection. Brewsterite fluoresces light blue under longwave UV. Calcite fluoresces red under mediumwave UV. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 55 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Three colours of celestite. Blue-grey main crystals with white fibrous-like outer surface, and small colourless crystals attached. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 65 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Colourless crystals of celestite. Predates Stoneco (1995) so just “White Rock Quarry”. Acquired from Ian Graham in 1993. Collected by an unknown person some time before that. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 65 images....
Probably a cleavage piece of kernite. The specimen measures 44x18x5mm.
A pale brownish transparent crystal of kurnakovite with a white surface alteration to tincalconite? Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Acquired by Joan in 1999 from Peter Elliott. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 50 images. Click...
Silky erionite growing epitaxially on levyne. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 55 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Type Locality. Small crystalline specimen without matrix. Ex Jim Ferraiolo 6/2005. Width 2.5mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
White acicular rabbittite with green platy aggregates of schröckingerite that is highly fluorescent. Ex Al Wilkins. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 45 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Yellow johannite on green unknown (more crystalline and bright fluorescence), and blue chalcanthite. Ex Al Wilkins. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 35 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Tiny creamy-white radial sprays of bayleyite with calcite, gypsum, and unidentified copper and uranium species. Ex Al Wilkins. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution...
Ex Al Wilkins. Labelled simply bayleyite but I can’t find any distinct material. Some of the matrix is made up of garnet crystals, the garnet from here being almandine. So I can put that on...
Reticulated sixling cerussite. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Reticulated partial sixling white cerussite with dark blue azurite. A small amount of bubbly smithsonite(?) also present on the azurite just below left of centre. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on...
Olive-green fornacite with orange-red wulfenite. Ex Al Wilkins. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 42 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Yellow scales of perite with a radiating group of colourless hemimorphite crystals. Olive green crystal of chlorargyrite not in photo. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the...
Ex Jack Nelson Collection. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of 4.5mm. Stack of 60 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Typical epistilbite habit on crystals in one cavity, with smaller crystals associated with prismatic scolecite (not in photo) in another. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a...
A small specimen of manganoan vesuvianite crystals with transparent diopsides. The perfectly terminated vesuvianites have varying colour from intense purple to very pleasing apple yellow-green and some gemmy areas. With exemplary lustre and good light...
Red Beryl. Ex Bernie Day Collection. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 24 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Bluish-green massive falcondoite. Specimen is 30x25x25mm. Type Locality. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Colourless to greyish, and pinky-orange crystals of ancylite-(Ce), or possibly calcioancylite in small cavities in albite. In the second photo, white (probable) calcioburbankite (Type Locality). You can see the hexagonal cross section if you look...
Two joined benitoite crystals (I hesitate to say twinned as I don’t know what sorts of twins can occur), shown in normal, longwave ultraviolet (red), and shortwave ultraviolet (blue). It is really interesting how different...
Dark blue benitoite, shown in white light, under longwave UV with a red fluorescence, and shortwave UV with a blue fluorescence. Width of view 12mm. Click on the images below for a higher resolution version.
Reddish-brown fibres of hewettite with bubbly grey variscite balls and unknown lime green mineral (vésigniéite? maybe). Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Width of view 7.75mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the image below for a...
Dark grey pseudocubic crystal embedded in matrix. Ex Bernie Day Collection. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 30 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Small pyrite crystals on calcite crystals. Ex Charles Willett Collection. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 65 images. Allegedly, a dead tree once stood over this quarry with the inscription “D. Boon (Daniel Boone) Cilled...
Green and bluish-green wardite in yellow crandallite with white crandallite and pale pinkish crandallite. Type Locality for wardite. Vintage micromount collected and mounted by John Melhase in 1935. Ex John Malhase. Ex California Academy of...
Dark red spheres of rhodochrosite on white albite. Colourless crystals in the foreground and on the left may be pectolite. Minor green aegirine also present. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 38 images. Click on...
Orange pseudocubic svanbergite with a pyritohedron pyrite crystal (altering to goethite) on white dolomite. Ex Ray Hill 7/2007. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 60 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution...
Pale green crystals on a quartz matrix, that really light up under longwave ultraviolet light. Width of view 7.75mm. Stack of 10 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
A cluster of pinkish gypsum crystals.
Lustrous black crystals. Ex Ed and Martha Cunningham Collection.
Labelled as mixite and cuprian adamite. Is it mixite or agardite? Cuprian adamite or zincolivenite? Mindat lists all. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution...
Grey hexagonal crystals of bastnäsite. Ex H. William “Bill” Meinert. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 88 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Image showing the termination of one of the vanadinite crystals. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 51 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Acquired by Joan from Harold Gallasch of Hahndorf, South Australia in 1995 for $15. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution...
Dark brown crystals of iranite. Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 38 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Very dark platy crystals of kulanite that are green with transmitted light, with white to colourless fluorapatite crystals. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 80 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution...
Yellow crystals of scheelite on quartz. The scheelite fluoresces bluish-white under shortwave UV. Minor sulphides also present. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 25 images (white light), and 31 images (Shortwave UV). Click on the...
Yellow crystals of scheelite on quartz. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 110 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Stacked plates of orange magnesiopascoite crystals. Ex Al Wilkins. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 87 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Three stepped black perovskite crystals with brown centres, and smaller black melanite andradite garnets. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 100 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Collected September 1994. Pink rhombs of rhodochrosite with a couple of quartz crystals and a group of small pyrite crystals, all on a cluster of tetrahedrite crystals. Width of the specimen 18mm. Stack of 65...
A tough one to photograph! Green prismatic crystals of dioptase from this classic locality. Ex Jo Price Collection, Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution...
There are two distinct species here based on the fluorescence response. Pale yellow fibrous sprays of weeksite that look like they fluoresce yellow, but are just reflecting the surrounding opal that fluoresce strongly. Width of...
A single black crystal with a hint of internal red fire. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 60 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Locality not listed in Mindat, nor can I find any other reference to it. Single sylvite crystal without matrix. Sheila Harper found this reference so that might help a bit. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack...
Tiny pyrite crystals on the face of a barite crystal, with dark purple fluorite associated. The barite is said to be coloured because of pyrite inclusions, but that even under a microscope, crystals can’t be...
A small piece of gypsum collected at the same time as specimens of barite, calcite and fluorite. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 66 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Blue fluorescent purple octahedral crystals on quartz. Ex Art Smith Collection. Ex Carl Stazak. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 75 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Octahedral fluorite colourless through to a fracture, then pale purple-grey over the rest of the crystal. Blue fluorescence. Hemisphere of brown siderite(?), rounded pyrite, and colourless albite, all on pinkish-tan K feldspar. Ex Art Smith...
Purple fluorite cluster and isolated crystals with green needles of aegirine, brown pseudohexagonal pyrophanite, and colourless albite crystals, all in a white albite matrix. Ex Art Smith Collection (collected in 1986). Width of view 8.63mm....
Tiny purple octahedral fluorite crystalson albite with greenish chlorite, white prismatic crystals of natrolite(?), colourless quartz, and brown pyrophanite. Also on specimen magnetite, Ex Art Smith Collection (collected in 1979). Width of view 11.5mm. Stack...
Colourless rhombs of whitlockite on orange bladed montgomeryite, it partially coated by white balls of fluorapatite. Ex Jo Price Collection. Ex Jack Nelson Collection. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the...
Transparent tan-coloured rhombohedral crystals of whitlockite with prismatic crystals of childrenite? Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 100 images. Edit: May be eosphorite rather than childrenite (or somewhere in the series)....
Red-brown to blackish crystals. Ex Jo Price Collection. Ex Jack Nelson Collection. Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Sharp pale lilac crystals. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 180 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Dark blue lazulite crystals with tan whiteite and colourless quartz. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 100 images.
Single green terminated crystal 13mm long. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Purple fluorite tabular crystals (one axis is shorter than the other two) with very tiny modifications on the corners (modified by the trapezohedron). Colourless to greyish white dolomite crystals (matrix is a dolostone). Tiny pyrite...
A sharp metallic black tetrahedral sphalerite crystal on white albite. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Jean Pierre Beckerich. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 109 images. Click on the image below for a...
Deep sharp red-brown rhombohedral crystals, one perched on aegirine crystal. There are also colourless reticulated crystals below right of centre. Maybe albite? One small area on top of rhodochrosite (not in photo) fluoresces orange. Ex...
Franconite (white spheres), actinolite (green sprays) and brown crystals of zircon(?) that fluoresce orange. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Jean Pierre Beckerich. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 59 images. Click on the...
Pinkish acicular crystals of lorenzenite. There are a couple of unknowns too, the pale greenish prismatic crystal and the brown material upper left (it fluoresces orange). Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Jean Pierre...
As with many MSH specimens, you don’t always know what you’ve got! White to tan calcioburbankite on hexagonal prismatic petersenite-(Ce). Many of the brown crystals, the lighter ones, are siderite, but some, the darker brown...
Colourless striated prisms. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Pete Richards. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 68 images. Blue sodalite (part of matrix) fluoresces a strong orange. Click on the image below for...
Rootbeer brown crystal. It is labelled as eudialyte but it is not known if it has been analysed. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Jean Pierre Beckerich, collected May 2007. Width of view 5.75mm....
Small cluster of brown cubes. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Jean Pierre Beckerich. Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 85 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Phlogopite pseudohexagonal plates on prismatic colourless pectolite. Pectolite crystals have zoned fluorescence, pink with blue caps. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon. Ex Jean Pierre Beckerich. Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 60 images. Comparison image...
Yellow “reverse sceptre” burbankite. Second photo ilmenite and burbankite. Calcite also present on specimen. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Jean Pierre Beckerich. Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 18 images (burbankite). Stack of...
Colourless twinned epididymite with cream hemispheres of franconite(?), with tiny silver pseudohexagonal muscovite, and tiny pyrite crystals, minor albite, all on analcime. There is also a prismatic hexagonal crystal of epididymite pointing down to the...
Elpidite greenish and bright fluorescent green under longwave UV, gaidonnayite (not in photo) clear. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Jean Pierre Beckerich. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 57 images (white light) and...
Prismatic pale pink crystals. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Jean Pierre Beckerich. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 134 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Thin tan blades. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Jean Pierre Beckerich. Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 55 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Sprays of thin grey prismatic crystals. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Jean Pierre Beckerich. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 95 images. Most of the matrix fluoresces orange, probably nepheline. Click on the...
Type Locality for hilairite. Brown hilairite with colourless/grey twinned gaidonnayite. Hilairite fluoresce green under longwave UV, but gaidonnayite doesn’t appear to respond. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Jean Pierre Beckerich. Width of view...
Small orange crystals. Originally labelled as kentbrooksite, but probably ferrokentbrooksite and most likely collected before that mineral was described as a new species. Ex Noel and Ann Kennon Collection. Ex Jean P Beckerich. Width of...
Orange crystals. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 40 images. Desautelsite is named after Paul Desautels (1920-1991), well-known mineral micromounter and Curator of Gems and Minerals in the Department of Mineral Sciences of the U.S....
Tabular orange wulfenite with a brown core (sandwich). Shown backlit. Width of view 17.25mm. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Green fluorescent voglite with platy yellow zellerite(?).
Microcrystalline black vrbaite, brown avicennite and metallic grey parapierrotite coating chert matrix.
Lemon-yellow platy crystals of metauranocircite. Highly fluorescent. Ex Jim Daly. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 30 images (white light) and 8 (longwave UV). Use the slider on the photo below to compare the white...
Lemon-yellow highly fluorescent plates on a goethite matrix. Ex Al Wilkins. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 35 images (white light), 10 images (longwave UV). Use the slider on the photo below to compare the...
An interesting little specimen of topaz that measures just 24mm in width. Ex Mike New Collection.
Collected by Mike Reinke. Width of view 6.5mm. Stack of 80 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Amethyst and red rutile found in a boulder by Jerry Cone when in an arroyo with Mike Reinke where Route 187 crosses over Kelly Canyon West, a few kilometres north of Caballo. Width of view...
Amethyst and red rutile found in a boulder by Jerry Cone when in an arroyo with Mike Reinke where Route 187 crosses over Kelly Canyon West, a few kilometres north of Caballo. Width of view...
Pseudohexagonal white plates of tridymite with black balls of hematite(?). Branching stalactitic groups of stacked crystals may also be tridymite. Collected by Mike Reinke on open land near to ToR. Width of view 6.5mm. Stack...
Fibrous white alum with calcite (it dissolves leaving alum). Visual ID by Rolf Leutcke photo in Mindat. Collected by Mike Reinke. Width of view 6.5mm. Stack of 20 images. Click on the image below for...
Colourless bladed stellate tridymite, orange titanite(?) and grey-green “pyrobole”, an unidentified pyroxene or amphibole. Collected from a boulder on the ridge above Animas Creek by Mike Reinke. Width of view 4.9mm and a stack of...
Tiny green crystal aggregate on quartz. Ex Mike Reinke, Jerry Cone. Width of view 3.25mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Delicate flakes in cavities where once was a sulphide. Ex Mike Reinke. Width of view 3.25mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Chips of obsidian can be picked up off the open ground north of the TorC Elementary School. This specimen collected by Mike Reinke in situ in Ash Canyon, just east of TorC. Width of view...
Massive goethite with a fibrous look on the edge, with a glassy surface. In this are some orange/brown rings with a blue tint. Collected by Mike Reinke downstream from Palomas Gap. Width of view 6.5mm....
Blue-tinted topaz in rhyolite. May be coloured by what is under it. Collected by Mike Reinke. Width of view 1.75mm. Stack of 20 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Massive fine-grained material. Acquired from Jim Ferraiolo 6/2005. Width of specimen 13.5mm. Stack of 35 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Green chlorite (labelled clinochlore) on and under zoned colourless/white calcite crystals from the Silliman Quarry (as per the label). Little balls of chlorite can be seen perched on the termination of a couple of the...
A single deep purplish-red hexagonal crystal 7mm long and 6mm across in matrix. Ex Graham Lee Collection. Width of view 17.25mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
A single crystal without matrix showing perfect cleavage. Ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 80 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
A pale green hiddenite crystal without matrix. Width of view 17.25mm. Stack of 24 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
A lovely cluster of azurite crystals without matrix, labelled as from the Holbrook Extension. Width of view 32mm. Stack of 35 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
A group of pale but lustrous grossular garnets with interesting surface features. Ex John Sobolewski. Ex Matt Gibbs. Width of specimen 12mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution...
A single deep pink/purple grossular crystal on a small amount of wollastonite matrix. A few smaller crystals are dotted around. The garnet, a darker pink than many, fluoresces red under longwave UV. Ex Keith Williams,...
Zoned yellow cacoxenite hemispheres. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 60 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Pale peach/pink coloured topaz 38x35x26mm. Found by Rich Fretterd during an episode of The Prospectors. See article in Minerals Newspaper.
Type Locality. Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Acquired by Joan in 1985 from a collector in Edmonton, Canada. Width of specimen 9mm. Stack of 112 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Type Locality for goudeyite. Green patches of botryoidal goudeyite and tiny needles visible under higher magnification, with pale-coloured prismatic olivenite crystals. Ex Richard Grant Collection. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 47 images. Click on...
Lilac bladed crystals. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 21 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Visible gold (just above centre) with yellow timroseite and green khinite. Type Locality for timroseite. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 51 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
White sprays of maricopaite with yellow mimetite. Type Locality for maricopaite. Width of view 2.5mm. Stack of 34 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Colourless prismatic crystals. Ex Jim Ferraiolo. Width of view 2.5mm. Stack of 51 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Vintage Neal Yedlin micromount. Width of view 19mm. Stack of 44 images. A fine adamite from the Ojuela Mine, mounted by Yedlin on a piece of black cork in a hand-labeled vintage cardboard micromount box,...
Type Locality. Light orange stained crystals. White arrow points to spot. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Pale yellow brazilianite with colourless quartz collected in 1969, mounted Feb. 5, 1984, and from the renowned collection of J.W. Grandy. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 100. Click on the mineral image below for...
Hackly gold in a quartz vein. Ex John Sobolewski. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Nicely protected yellow sprays in a quartz vugh. Ex John Sobolewski. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Type Locality. Brownish modified tetrahedra frozen in matrix. Ex John Sobolewski. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 35 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Bluish-green platy crystals of chalcophyllite. Ex John Sobolewski. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Type Locality for metaheinrichite. Ex John Sobolewski. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 30 images (white light), stack of 20 images (UV). Use the slider to see specimen under white light and longwave UV. Click...
Orange coffin-shaped heulandite crystals coating the inside of a vesicle in basalt, from a locality first discovered in the 1960s. Also present is rosettes of green chlorite. Ex John Sobolewski. Width of view 5mm. Stack...
Type Locality. Cubic crystal of boleite upon which plates of pseudoboleite have grown epitactically on the boleite cube faces. Ex Bernie Day specimen. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 30 images. Click on the image...
Acquired from Mark Ascher 9/2007. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Specimen acquired in the micromount room at the Tucson Show. Ex Bob Jenkins. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 30 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Colourless analcime crystals on heulandite. Ex John Sobolewski. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Silver in matrix slice, 67x45x7mm. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Yellow pottsite and small areas of orange clinobisvanite. Specimen is 6mm wide. Type Locality for pottsite. Acquired from Jim Ferraiolo 6/2005. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Interesting textures. Specimen is 34mm wide. Ex Bart Cannon. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Labelled as boulangerite, El Sombrette Mine, Durango. Likely jamesonite, and from the Sombrerete Mine, in Zacatecas, but close to the border with Durango. Ex John Lewis Collection.
Purplish-grey vanadinite with yellow descloizite. A.O. stands for Al Ordway who found nice micro vanadinite and descloizite. Acquired from Al Wilkins. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for...
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1991. Ex Museum Victoria.
Colourless blocky coffin-shaped heulandite crystals with colourless prisms of erionite-K. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 55 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Obtained in a trade with Al Wilkins. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 70 images.
A black franklinite crystal is either a seed for, or an inclusion in, a brown hendricksite crystal. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 30 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Black franklinite, pink rhodonite and red fluorescent colourless calcite. Width of view 10mm. UV photo using a Convoy S2+. Click on the images below for a higher resolution version.
Black franklinite crystals with secondary copper minerals in between. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 25 images. Type Locality for franklinite. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Dark olive green olivenite with thin bands of lime green conichalcite. The white mineral between is unknown. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 40 images. Acquired by Joan Lamond from Harry Critchley in 1998. Click...
Colourless to yellowish hexagonal prisms of milarite. Ex Bob Rothenberg. Ex Walter Bagley. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 80 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Pale orange serandite crystals. Ex Bob Rothenberg. Ex Giles Haineault. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 39 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
An artful ex-Bob Rothenberg mount (also ex Robin Tibbit). The little disc on which he’s mounted the crystals has a diameter of 6 mm. The disc sits atop a cork pedestal affixed to the black...
Bright yellow flowers of tyuyamunite. Ex Bob Rothenberg. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 30 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
A really difficult one to photograph. Transparent colourless sabinaite crystal (centre of photo) with white dawsonite and blue sodalite. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 30 images. Click on the image below for a higher...
Yellowish pseudohexagonal plates of synchysite-(Ce) with tiny pyrite crystals sprinkled on them. White albite crystals at the base. Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Acquired by Joan in 1993 from Cynthia Peat (peatite-(Y)). Width of view 3.5mm....
Orange hexagonal vanadinite with greenish brown thin plates of descloizite, with colourless calcite crystals. Calcite exhibits a pale yellow-orange fluorescence. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version…
Deep red chalcotrichite variety of cuprite. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 60 images. Click on image below for a higher resolution version.
Ex Rock Currier Collection #1329. Sharp creedite crystals with a pale lavender hue. Measures 58x30x28mm.
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1993 from Cynthia Peat (peatite).
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1998 from Rob Sielecki for $10.00.
Tiny brown crystals of zemannite and pink spiroffite(?). Width of view 5mm. Stack of 40 images.
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1993 from Cynthia Peat (peatite). Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 70 images.
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1995 from Joe Marty.
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1997 from Larry Queen for $5.00 at the Queensland Mineralogical Societies Seminar.
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1995 from Joe Marty.
Type Locality for theisite. Incorrectly labelled as La Plata Co. (refer comment in Mindat). Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1997 from a Swiss Collection for $2.00.
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1993 from Cynthia Peat.
Type Locality for tiptopite. Acquired by Joan Lamond from Peter Elliott for $10.00.
Ex Joan Lamond Collection.
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 2000 from Peter Elliott at the Ballarat Gemboree for $4.00.
Acquired by Joan Lamond from Peter Elliott for $2.00.
Type Locality. Obtained by Joan Lamond from Peter Elliott at the 2000 Ballarat Gemboree for $5.00.
Acquired by Joan Lamond from Kevin Davy at the Waverley Show in 1995 for $10.00.
Type Locality. White crystal sprays.
Type Locality. Parallel group of crystals. Ex Peter Hall Collection.
Butterscotch tabular crystals, largest 15mm across. Five views of the one specimen, each taken with iPhone 11 Pro Max plus Struman macro lens.
Highly fluorescent under longwave and shortwave. Size 45x30x25mm.
Colourless cubes of fluorite with thin purple edges, colourless fluorite with hematite inclusions/staining, purple cubes, yellow tabular wulfenite, minor white barite. Specimen is 50x36x30mm. Second image is under shortwave ultraviolet light.
Stalactite of tabular orange wulfenite crystals 25mm in longest direction.
Dark tabular barite crystals on a fragment of hematite matrix. Ex George Reimherr Collection. 15mm wide.
Larger stilbite crystals with multiple terminations (parallel growth?) on smaller crystals with single terminations. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 80 images. Exact species unknown.
Pink heulandite with white mordenite from John Cornish’s Rat’s Nest Claim. Acquired from John in Tucson 2007. Measures 46mm wide.
Reddish brown goethite botryoidal matrix hosting colourless quartz crystals. Width of view 18mm. Stack of 240 images. Ex Lundgren Collection.
Thin vein of light blue caledonite crystals. Width of view 7.5mm. Stack of 100 images.
Arborescent copper included in gypsum. Width of view 7.5mm. Stack of 150 images. Ex Charles Willett Collection.
Wedge-shaped reddish-brown rhodochrosite on and with natrolite, colourless tiny cubes of fluorite with small octahedral corners on thin acicular aegirine(?) (see first crop). Unidentified white platy crystals (see second crop). Width of view 7.5mm. Stack...
Pale yellow radiating groups that strongly fluoresce green under Convoy longwave light. Width 18.5mm. Stack of 126 images (white light). Stack of 34 images (UV). Ex Malte Bartholomaus.
A single blue octahedral spinel with minor matrix attached. Width 11mm. Stack of 140 images. Ex Ted Johnson. Collected in July 1987.
A single black bixbyite with pale pinkish topaz crystals. Width 11mm. Stack of 140 images. Ex Ted Johnson. Labelled as from Delta, Utah.
A single grain of gold approximately 1mm wide, mounted on the point of a pin. Label says recovered from the rock run below the Eagle mine. Width 3mm. Stack of 50 images. Label also includes...
Green prismatic epidote with apparent paler tips, white prismatic flattened crystals of laumontite, and green platelets of pumpellyite. Small colourless quartz crystals. Width 9mm, stack of 78 images (epidote). Width 4.5mm, stack of 30 images...
Zoned yellow and brown sphalerite crystals with colourless rhombs of dolomite and colourless round groups of quartz crystals. A couple of very pale yellow sphalerite crystals exhibit an unusual pinkish fluorescence. Width 9mm. Stack of...
Pale green transparent crystals. Width 5.5mm. Stack of 40 images. Ex John Sobolewski. Ex Matt Gibbs.
Azurite roses. Width 11mm. Stack of 130 images. Ex John Sobolewski. Ex Matt Gibbs.
Yellow masses of crystals of the rare potassium sulphate goldichite on crystalline pinkish halotrichite. Type Locality for goldichite. Width 4.5mm. Stack of 170 images. Ex John Sobolewski. Ex Matt Gibbs.