4111 Dolomite, Clevedon, North Somerset, England, UK
Tan coloured rhombohedral dolomite with minor copper mineralisation. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 55 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Tan coloured rhombohedral dolomite with minor copper mineralisation. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 55 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Grey rhombs of dolomite that fluoresce white are perched on the tips of kutnohorite sprays. Red fluorescing calcite present in the matrix. Patchy yellow fluorescence is probably cerussite. Specimen measures 80x65x10mm.
Orange pseudocubic svanbergite with a pyritohedron pyrite crystal (altering to goethite) on white dolomite. Ex Ray Hill 7/2007. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 60 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution...
Green partial coating on sphalerite crystals on dolomite. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 40 images. Off white fluorescence under longwave ultraviolet may be calcite partially coating dolomite. Click on the image below for a...
Type Locality. Prismatic crystals of imiterite on dolomite. Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Silver minerals on a dolomite matrix. Ex Jo Price Collection. Native silver photo: Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 35 images. Acanthite and imiterite photo: Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 29 images. Imiterite photo:...
Purple fluorite tabular crystals (one axis is shorter than the other two) with very tiny modifications on the corners (modified by the trapezohedron). Colourless to greyish white dolomite crystals (matrix is a dolostone). Tiny pyrite...
Aggregates of cream-coloured dolomite crystals. Ex Bernie Day Collection. Width of specimen 28mm. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Colourless stepped rhombs. Note that these crystals are similar to photos of smithsonite from this locality on Mindat, except for the colour (the smithsonite specimens have a green tint). Width of view 5mm. Stack of...
Colourless quartz with yellow dolomite and minor pyrite. Specimen measures 28x33x10mm.
Colourless zoned rhombs. Width of view 2.5mm. Stack of 26 images Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
A tiny dolomite crystal perched on the end of a pseudobrookite crystal. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 1.75mm. Stack of 42 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
A lot going on in a small space here. A layer of calcite is coated by quartz, then yellow spheres of dolomite. On top of this sits a malachite after cuprite crystal aggregate, and then...
White curved rhombs of dolomite on matrix. Labelled EZ Mine. Width of view 17.25mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Multiple generations of dolomite. First chocolate-coloured rhombohedra, followed by a much paler (yellow-coated) layer over the same crystals (possibly just a change in chemical composition), with a final white opaque crust here and there. Also,...
Multiple generations of dolomite. Ex John and Betty Weir. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 75 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
White rhombohedra. Specimen is 60mm wide. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Rhombohedral dolomite with oxidised pyrite. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Green prismatic malachite crystals on iron-stained/coated dolomite rhombs. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 150 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Labelled “Rum Jungle Copper Mine”. Drill core segment 48mm in diameter from the 1960s. Dolomite crystals in a cavity. The Coomalie dolomite/magnesite dolostone is Precambrian and includes vuggy recrystallised zones (from metamorphic recrystallisation), and formed...
Superb purple-pink crystals. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 108 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Nice green chlorargyrite on brownish dolomite. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 26 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
One main twinned and iridescent chalcopyrite crystal with a few smaller ones, with hematite and fibrous cream sepiolite on dolomite. Width of view 8.63mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a...
Tiny pseudocubic chabazite impaled on natrolite with bladed thomsonite-Ca and a ball of white dolomite. Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Width of view 5mm. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Sharp cassiterite crystals on one edge of a specimen containing well-formed arsenopyrite crystals, quartz crystals, and botryoidal orange dolomite. Width of view 14.25, Stack of 80 images (cassiterite photo). Second photo width of view 8mm....
Globular dolomite on analcime crystals. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 19mm. Stack of 80 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1991 from Frank Robinson.
Pale tan ferroan dolomite crystals on dark brown siderite. There is also a tiny pyrite cube visible in the photo, slightly to the right and below centre. The dolomite could grade into ankerite. Width of...
Genie of the lamp. Colourless bladed dolomite crystals over pale blue mcguinnessite on native copper. Height of view 11mm. Stack of 160 images.
Pale greenish marshite(!) crystal with dark cuprite crystals and white dolomite. The marshite fluoresces strongly red with Convoy UV torch. There are three other areas of the specimen that also fluoresce bright red, but individual...
Zoned yellow and brown sphalerite crystals with colourless rhombs of dolomite and colourless round groups of quartz crystals. A couple of very pale yellow sphalerite crystals exhibit an unusual pinkish fluorescence. Width 9mm. Stack of...
Ex Barry Johnson Collection. Video best viewed full screen.
Grey complex dolomite crystals with a single brownish cerussite crystal from the Kintore open cut, Broken Hill. In addition, there are tufts of an unknown white mineral. Candidates could be sepiolite (not recorded at Broken...
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Three sharp red cinnabar crystals on white dolomite. Ex Eugene Carmichael Collection (EWC 437), ex The Aesthetics Underground, Alberta, Canada.
Single crystal, no matrix. Ex University of Arizona Mineral Museum. Donor Carl Richardson.
Jean-Vincent Coureau
A very nice fully crystalline specimen of light pink dolomite growing free of matrix with just superb crystallization’s growing with minor chalcopyrite and pyrite and measuring 4.5 x 2.7 x 2.4 cm in size. This...
JL0650. Frank Robinson
JL1526 Dendrites. Joan Taylor
Type Locality for gilaite. ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection
White dolomite crystals on superb brown helvite crystals.
Rutile and dolomite, from the famous Lengenbach Quarry, Fäld, Binn Valley, Wallis, Switzerland. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Purple fluorite nestled in amongst dolomite crystals from Liter’s Quarry (Hanson Aggregates Irvington Quarry), Breckinridge Co., Kentucky, USA. While looking at this through my microscope, I assumed it was a cube of fluorite, but the...