6102 Allanite-(Ce), Titanite, Raglan-Mount Cole road cuts, Raglan, Beaufort, Pyrenees Shire, Victoria
Prismatic allanite-(Ce) crystal broken along C axis with small brown titanite crystals. Ex Bernie Day Collection.
6100 Metatorbernite, South Alligator Valley Mineral Field (South Alligator Gorge), Northern Territory
Ex-John O. Griesbach well-known and oft published geologist with his personal hand-written label and ex Scott J. Williams with his dealer label. Specimen measures 4 cm. x 3.3 cm. x 2.9 cm.
6099 Malachite, Bisbee, Warren District, Mule Mts, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA
Vintage micromount that once belonged to the late micromounter, the Rev. Robert Jacoby. Mounted on old time cork pedestals in the kind of vintage cardboard cases that were favored by the top micromounters in this...
6098 Azurite, Bisbee, Warren District, Mule Mts, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA
Vintage micromount that once belonged to the late micromounter, the Rev. Robert Jacoby. Mounted on old time cork pedestals in the kind of vintage cardboard cases that were favored by the top micromounters in this...
6097 Azurite, Malachite, Copper Queen Mine (Halero Mine), Queen Hill, Bisbee, Warren District, Mule Mts, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA
Vintage micromount that once belonged to the late micromounter, the Rev. Robert Jacoby. Mounted on old time cork pedestals in the kind of vintage cardboard cases that were favored by the top micromounters in this...
6096 Caledonite, Linarite, Mammoth-Saint Anthony Mine (Mammoth-St Anthony Mine; Mammoth Mine; St. Anthony Mine), St. Anthony deposit, Tiger, Mammoth District, Pinal Co., Arizona, USA
Neal Yedlin to J.W.Grandy Caledonite: Vintage Micromount. This specimen is from the the Mammoth MIne’s Collins Vein. Specimen display face measures 2 cm. x 1.7 cm. Mounted by the late famous Neal Yedlin apparently on...
6095 Kupletskite, Big Rock Quarry (3M quarry; Arch Street Pike quarry), Granite Mountain area, Little Rock, Pulaski Co., Arkansas, USA
Vintage micromount mounted on Jan. 15, 1986 by Micromount Hall of Famer Marcelle Weber and later acquired by J.W. Grandy, this is as dazzling, showy, and attractive a kupletskite as you’ll ever find from a...
6094 Autunite, Bedford, Westchester Co., New York, USA
Brilliant yellow tabs on a matrix with display face of approximately 2 cm x 1.7 cm. Vintage micromount specimen was mounted by the late master, Neal Yedlin, on a pedestal in a vintage cardboard box...
6093 Arthurite, Majuba Hill Mine (Mylar Mine), Antelope District, Pershing Co., Nevada, USA
1.5 cm x 1.2 cm vintage micromount mounted on a pedestal by the renowned late Bill Meinert. Meinert was the past Chairman of the Arthur Roe Memorial Micromount Symposium, held each year by the Tucson...
6092 Fluorite, Riemvasmaak fluorite occurrences, Kakamas District, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Light green fluorite octahedrons are featured here partially blanketed with white druzy quartz. The faces of the fluorite has medium luster. The piece measures 1 1/2″ wide by3 3/8″ tall by 1 1/2″ front to...
6091 Barite, Porgera Mine, Mt Kare Valley, Mt Hagen, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea
A bladed cluster of blocky barite crystals that are white with a bluish hue. These crystals were collected in the early to mid 1990’s. Size: H:6.5cm x W:4.9cm x D:2.2cm
6090 Gypsum, Calcite, Porgera Mine, Mt Kare Valley, Mt Hagen, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea
A fine doubly terminated gypsum crystal on a cluster of greenish white calcite scalahedrons. The 4.0 cm gypum crystal is splayed at one termination, this occured insitu and was collected in the 1990’s from the...
6089 Gold, Castlemaine, Victoria
Small nugget, about 8mm tall, very coarse with minor quartz
6088 Dioptase, Harquahala Mine, Harquahala Mountains, La Paz Co., Arizona, USA
Mounted in 1981 by Emilie Kendig. Labelled as Yuma Co. Now known as the Bonanza Mine and is in La Paz (County boundaries since changed)
6086 Rutheniridosmine, Iridium, Gold, Ironstone Creek, Para Para, South Island, New Zealand
Rutheniridosmine and Iridosmine (iridium) crystalline silvery grey granules, with native gold
6085 Barite, Calcite, Fluorite, Dam Rigg Level, Northside Mines, Whaw, Arkengarthdale, North Pennines, North Yorkshire, England
Lustrous white translucent barite crystals growing on minor calcite from one of the classic old English lead mines. The barite crystals on this piece reach 1.5 cm in maximum length and fluoresce a nice cream-white...
6084 Dolomite, Abbeytown quarry, Ballysadare, Co. Sligo, Ireland
A very nice fully crystalline specimen of light pink dolomite growing free of matrix with just superb crystallization’s growing with minor chalcopyrite and pyrite and measuring 4.5 x 2.7 x 2.4 cm in size. This...
6083 Beryl (Aquamarine), Slievenamiskan, Spelga, Mourne Mts, Co. Down, Northern Ireland
A unique specimen composed of a single well terminated gemmy crystal of light blue aquamarine growing free of matrix and measuring 13 x 8 x 6 mm in size. The specimen comes from a quite...
6080 Gold, Moonlight Mine, Berringa, Victoria
Two small coarse gold in white quartz specimens
6078 Barite, Heathcote, Victoria
Gemmy blue crystals of barite on an off white chalky matrix from Heathcote. Collected by Jon Mommers on a Minsoc Vic field trip in the 1980s, probably 1982
6077 Beryl (Aquamarine), Mount Bolton, Learmonth, Victoria
A single terminated beryl variety aquamarine crystal, which was recovered from a pegmatite. The crystal has a bluish green colour and some iron staining. Described as coming from near Lake Wendouree, Ballarat during Parks works,...
6076 Khmaralite, Zircon point pegmatite, Khmara Bay, Casey Bay, Napier Complex, Enderby Land, Eastern Antarctica, Antarctica
Type locality. Green splinter on microscope slide. Analysed material. Analysis by Nikita Chukanov, Moscow, Russia.
6071 Fluorite, Esperanza Mine, Melchor Mezquiz, Mun. de Melchor Mezquiz, Coahuila, Mexico
A bright specimen of fluorite with stair-stepped formation. It has very nice dark orchid purple colour. The crystals are translucent with dark phantoms inside. Ex Mike Knew Collection. Mike Knew is the owner of Top...
6070 Wulfenite, Mimetite, Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Mun. de Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
Ex Mike Knew Collection. Mike Knew is the owner of Top Gem Minerals in Tucson, Arizona.
6069 Barite, Quartz, Gibraltar Mine, Naica, Mun. de Saucillo, Chihuahua, Mexico
Bright large translucent yellow barite crystals growing on very sparkly quartz crystal matrix. Barite is uncommon at this locality. Ex Mike Knew Collection. Mike Knew is the owner of Top Gem Minerals in Tucson, Arizona.
6065 Gold, Maryborough, Victoria
Alluvial or deep lead nugget with minor quartz, 0.38g.
6062 Gatehouseite, Iron Monarch open cut, Iron Knob, Middleback Range, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
Type locality. Gatehouseite was first found at Iron Monarch in 1987. It occurs as radiating clusters of pale yellow and yellow to pale brownish orange micro crystals with barite and hematite.
6061 Fluorapatite, Schorl, Pyramid Hill granite quarry (Mawson’s Quarry), Pyramid Hill, Victoria
Schorl inclusion in apatite, no matrix. Collected by Margaret Brown 19/3/1996
6058 Aluminite, Ana Mine, Berbes Mining area, Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain
Not in Mindat. Pale yellow crystalline mass
6054 Arisite-(Ce), Tuperssuatsiaite, Analcime, Aegirine, Aris Quarries, Aris, Windhoek District, Namibia
Type locality for arisite-(Ce) which is pale pinkish thin hexagonal plates. Tuperssuatsiaite is brownish-red sprays
6053 Cervandonite-(Ce), Mt Cervandone (Scherbadung), Devero Alp, Baceno, Ossola Valley, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Province, Piedmont, Italy
Type locality. Aggregate of black curved crystals
6052 Lautite, Vater Abraham Mine, Lauta, Marienberg District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
Silver aggregate. Said to be from original material of 1881.
6051 Zeophyllite, Aegirine-augite, Phillipsite, Schellkopf, Brenk, Niederzissen, Eifel, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
White aggregates on phillipsite with pale green prismatic crystals of aegirine-augite
6049 Vinogradovite, Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Small colourless prismatic crystals
6044 Augelite, Rapid Creek, Dawson Mining District, Yukon Territory, Canada
Pale green crystals. Ex Al Ordway Collection, ex Bill Muller
6042 Sphalerite, Quartz, Siderite, Gypsum, Magnet Mine, Magnet, Waratah district, Tasmania
Collected. Gypsum post-mining?
6041 Mimetite (Bellite), Diaboleite, Schwartzembergite, Gypsum, La Poderosa Mine, Caracoles, Antofagasta Region, Chile
Orange prismatic bellite, blue diaboleite, yellow schwartzembergite
6040 Diopside, Prehnite, Jeffrey mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada
Good prismatic crystals of colourless prehnite with green diopside. Ex Brian Shelton Collection.
6039 Antlerite, Gypsum, Chuquicamata Mine, Calama, Antofagasta Region, Chile
Dark green crystals of antlerite with colourless gypsum crystals. Ex Brian Shelton Collection (No. A30-2), ex John Batterbee Collection. From Bench C-2.
6038 Asbecasite, Wanni glacier – Scherbadung (Monte Cervandone) area, Kriegalp Valley, Binn Valley, Wallis, Switzerland
Type locality. Partial orange crystal.
6037 Bannisterite, Benallt Mine, Rhiw, Gwynedd, Wales
Type locality. Brown patches. Ex Richard Tayler Minerals, Cobham, Surrey
6036 Hilarionite, Hilarion Mine, Kamariza Mines, St Constantine, Lavrion, Greece
Type locality. Greenish yellow acicular sprays. Formerly known as kankite from this locality.
6035 Sailaufite, Braunite, Fuchs Quarry, Hartkoppe, Sailauf, Hasbach, Spessart, Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
Type locality for sailaufite. Reddish black crystals with black beraunite.
6033 Richelsdorfite, Burrus Mine, Pyramid District, Washoe Co., Nevada, USA
Bright blue plates on matrix.
6032 Laurentianite, Pyrite, Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Tiny white and clear slim elongated prisms with red-brown coating on pyrite. Only a small quantity of this material was collected by one collector and very little of it was saved.
6031 Studtite, Phosphuranylite, Saleeite, Almerindo mine, Linapolis, Divino das Laranjeiras, Doce valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Pale yellow fibres of studtite on matrix with bright yellow crusts made up of a mixture of phosphuranylite and saleeite. Studtite is a very unusual uranium species because it is the only known mineral that...
6028 Pyrolusite, Teny Cape, Nova Scotia, Canada
Ex Michigan Tech collection specimen 4191 with label (an older label referring to the institution by its older name, Michigan College of Mines, used up to 1925). Also has a Seaman Museum label on the...
6027 Gratonite, Excelsior Mine, Cerro de Pasco, Peru
Vintage micromount: A superb 4x3mm display face specimen of Gratonite from its type locality, Cerro do Pasco, Peru. It was once a duplicate in the collection (later bequeathed the Smithsonian) of the late Neal Yedlin....
6023 Elbaite, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Dark pink crystal (rubellite). Ex Wright’s Rockshop. Chris Wright has since passed.
6022 Elbaite, Himalaya Mine, Mesa Grande District, San Diego Co., California, USA
Pink crystal (rubellite). Ex Harold A. Noble Collection, ex SD Gems(?). Harold Noble was part owner of Anita Mine in 1958 see http://www.mindat.org/loc-55919.html
6020 Azurite, Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Namibia
Ex Al Ordway No. 188. Gift from D. Pohl. Dark blue crystals
6019 Silver, Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazan Department, Honduras
Arborescent silver group, no matrix
6018 Elbaite, Pala Chief Mine, Pala, San Diego Co., California, USA
Ex Al Ordway. Blue-capped pink crystal. Repaired
6017 Elbaite, San Piero in Campo, Campo nell’Elba, Elba Island, Tuscany, Italy
Type locality. Ex Willard Perkins. Green and pink zoned crystal
6016 Hureaulite, Cigana claim (Jocao claim), Conselheiro Pena, Doce valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Pink crystals. Ex Hawthorneden thumbnail
6015 Vanadinite, Wulfenite, Rowley Mine, Theba, Painted Rock District, Painted Rock Mts, Maricopa Co., Arizona
Vanadinite pseudo (epimorph) after wulfenite. Collected ca 1978
6014 Fluorite, Hematite, Quartz, Florence Mine, Egremont, Cumbria, England
Intense blue fluorite cubes on massive brown hematite with tiny colourless quartz crystals in cavities in the hematite
6013 Metalodavite, Riviaral, Lodave, Harault, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Type locality. Pale yellow crystals. Ex Dr Fred P. d’Esopo Collection via William Pinch
6012 Vandendriesscheite, Palette Mine, South Alligator Valley Mineral Field, Northern Territory
Bright yellow crystals mounted on cork pedestal.
6011 Rruffite, Jote Mine, Pampa Larga district, Tierra Amarilla, Copiapo Province, Atacama Region, Chile
Type locality. Sky blue crystals
6009 Tavorite, Giniite, Sandamab pegmatite, Usakos, Karibib District, Erongo Region, Namibia
Type locality for giniite. Tavorite green, giniite black
6008 Stratlingite, Mayener Feld, Southern lava flow, Bellerberg volcano, Ettringen, Germany
Type locality. Colourless crystals in viens
6007 Titanowodginite, Muscovite, Tanco Mine, Bernic Lake, Manitoba, Canada
Type locality. Black-brown crystals in mica matrix
6006 Weinebeneite, Spodumene prospect, Brandracken, Carinthia, Austria
Type locality. No matrix group of crystals.
6005 Kidwellite, Beraunite, Coon Creek Mine, Shady, Polk Co., Arkansas, USA
Pale green tufts on spheres. Ex Al Kidwell
6004 Asisite, Hausmannite, Quartz, Kombat Mine, Namibia
Bright red crystals in hausmannite and quartz matrix
6003 Sylvanite, Cripple Creek, Teller Co., Colorado, USA
Loose crystal aggregate. Bought at Tucson 2012
6001 Pertlikite, Krausite, Coquimbite, Alcaparrosa Mine, Cerritos Bayos, Calama, Chile
Described as pertlikite-(Zn) as yellow cubes. Krausite as colourless or white prismatic crystals. Coquimbite as lilac crystals and matrix.
5492 Jacobsite (Iwakiite), Gozaisho mine, Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
Previously iwakiite. Now redefined as jacobsite-Q, a polymorph of jacobsite. Hiromi Yamasaki.
5488 Mangano-ferri-eckermannite, Tanohata mine, Tanohata, Shimohei District, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Hiromi Yamasaki. Formerly kôzulite.
5485 Edingtonite, Moorswood Quarry, Dysgwylfa Hill, Shropshire, England
Bernie & Margaret Day
5484 Edingtonite, Moorswood Quarry, Dysgwylfa Hill, Shropshire, England
Bernie & Margaret Day
5483 Prehnite, Thomsonite, Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, New Jersey, USA
Epimorph after laumontite. John Geiges. Collected by Eric Stanchich in 2007
5481 Millerite, Fall Hill Quarry, Ashover, Derbyshire, England
Bernie & Margaret Day Collection. Kevin Johns
5479 Calcite, Rowrah (Eskett) Quarry, Rowrah, Cumbria
Bernie & Margaret Day
5477 Heulandite, Sgurr nam Boc, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland
Bernie & Margaret Day Collection. Rock-site.co.uk, now Steetley Minerals – Peter Briscoe
5477 Barytocalcite, Nentsberry Haggs Mine, Alston Moor, Cumbria, England
Bernie & Margaret Day Collection. Rock-site.co.uk, now Steetley Minerals – Peter Briscoe
5476 Pyromorphite, Force Craig Mine, Cumbria, England
Bernie & Margaret Day
5475 Dundasite, Greystones Quarry, Lezant, Cornwall, England
Bernie & Margaret Day
5437 Smithsonite, Wetgrove Mine, Wensleydale, Yorkshire, England
Epimorph after calcite
5377 Struvite, Newberyite, Skipton Caves, Ballarat, Victoria
JL1332 Struvite altering to newberyite. Ex Museum Victoria
5373 Malachite, Calcite, Breadon Hill, Marree, South Australia
JL1547. Barry Porter $2
5372 Gold, Barossa Goldfields, South Australia
JL1374. Geoff Randall $5
5371 Gold, Fluorite, Hercules Mine, Williamsford, Tasmania
JL1376. Geoff Randall $5
5367 Pyromorphite, Black Star Open Cut, Mt Isa, Queensland
JL1176. Ex Museum Victoria
5365 Hedenbergite, Bustamite, Broken Hill, New South Wales
JL0808. Milton Lavers
5361 Siderite, Pioneer Quarry, Narre Warren, Victoria
JL0685 Basket Weave
5360 Vesuvianite, Inverell, New South Wales
JL1071 Barraba? Karl Schultz
5358 Pyrite, Barite, West Head, Flinders, Victoria
JL0942. Frank Robinson
5357 Coronadite, Anglesite, Broken Hill, New South Wales
JL1142. Barry Porter 50c
5351 Pyrite, Damon Mound, Damon, Brazoria Co., Texas
Collected by Al Kidwell
5341 Barytocalcite, Alston Moor, Cumbria, England
Sir Arthur Russell Collection
5340 Tennantite, Mt Lyell Mine, Queenstown, Tasmania
A E Seaman Mineral Museum
5339 Hematite, Pyrite, Moonta Mines, South Australia
A E Seaman Mineral Museum (Donor T Lipton Hancock)